Vesalius solution wins the “Best Flashlight” award during the EuroIntervention’s 2023 Annual Meeting


May 23, 2023

The EuroIntervention’s 2023 annual meeting took place this year on the 18th of May in Paris, France. 

This international event is an excellent opportunity to hear about the latest data and developments in the EuroIntervention journal, as well as to meet and network with the participants and members of the EuroIntervention editorial board.

During this meeting, Dr Peter Skarsgard, Vesalius President and CSO, won the “Best Flashlight” award for the best interventional flashlight publication in recognition of his outstanding contribution related to Vesalius Transseptal Mitral Valve repair solution.  

We warmly thank the journal’s editorial board and look forward to next year’s meeting!

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Awards & Recognition
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